1. Select any 1
operator at a time as your fnf. you can Change the operator anytime.
2. Selecting
procedure of FnF operators:
1. For joint at this package you need to write “S” and to
send 7353
2. You will
send following keyword to 7353. Charge of 7353 is FREE.
a. “BL” or “BA” 4 Banglalink
b. “CT” or “CI” 4 Citycell
“GP” or “GR” 4 Grameen
d. “RB” or “RO” 4 Robi
e. “TT” or “TE” 4 Teletalk
3. You can leave his/her FnF operator by sending
new code
4. Only dis
package customer can + any operator as
5. You can
change dis operator maximum once in a week
6. You will get notifications SMS after successfully settings one network as FnF
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